SARAH Y. SHEPPEARD, a shareholder of Lewis, Thomason, King, Krieg and Waldrop PC, is a past-President of the Knoxville Bar Association and a Rule 31 Mediator listed by the Tennessee Supreme Court. She has a diverse civil practice, with a focus on domestic cases. She was a member of the Tennessee Law Review, and is a Fellow of the American, Tennessee, and Knoxville Bar Foundations. She is a recipient of the TBA’s President’s Award and the KBA’s Governor’s award and Don Paine Lawyer Legacy Award.
LUCIAN T. PERA of Memphis is a member of Adams and Reese LLP. His practice includes commercial litigation and media law, as well as counseling and representing lawyers and law firms on questions of legal ethics. He chaired the TBA committee that drafted Tennessee current ethics rules and served on the committee that substantially revised the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct in 2002. He will be TBA President in 2017-18.
WADE V. DAVIES is the Managing Partner at Ritchie, Dillard, Davies & Johnson, P.C. in Knoxville. His practice is primarily criminal defense. He has served two terms as a member of the Board of Professional Responsibility. He is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers. He is a past President of the Knoxville Bar Association and has served two terms on the board of directors of the Tennessee Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.